Little Libraries

Since 2006 Cool Fresh International has been involved in social projects, aimed at supporting impoverished, disadvantaged communities in developing countries.

Whilst our main objective is to develop community leaders, sometimes in our operations we encounter population groups which are so vulnerable that action is called for.

Once such group concerns toddlers in the age groups of 2 – 5 years, specifically in the city slums in South Africa.

The world knows that the epidemic proportions of the HIV-AIDS virus have caused havoc on families, with children quite often growing up without one parent, and in some instances even without any parents.

In addition, the economic conditions of the lower income groups are of such a nature that toddlers are often left in the care of neighbours or volunteer care groups from within the community itself, so that the parent(s) can go to work.

The conditions in which care is given to large numbers of toddlers are minimal to say the least…..


Within the context of the aforementioned, Stars in their Eyes decided to become involved in a beautiful project called ´Little Libraries´.

The way of working of this volunteer organization is as easy as it is valuable.

In each care centre for vulnerable children a bookcase filled with books is placed, together with a carpet on which toddlers can sit and  escape into the wonderful world of reading!

During December 2013 Cool Fresh International participated in a 15 km road rac ein Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and used this race to raise funds for Little Libraries. Our clients and service providers supported us en mass, enabling us to donate 20 Little Libraries.

Have a look at our special 'Little Libraries' photo gallery!!

We love the great work which our friend Camille Quine is doing in South Africa, and it is our intention to continue supporting her. Maybe even roll out LIttle Libraries to other countries, who knows???